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2006-02-23 11:00:43 UTC
Whatever happend to Rod Lockington . He was one of the original on air crew
of 4MMM(FM104) and also did some time on 4BH I think not sure of that one
also did voiceovers for QTQ9. Would really be interested in what he is doing
now. Also still haven't heard anything of Richard Greville.
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2006-02-23 21:24:04 UTC
Yes, Rod Lockington did work at BH in the mid-late 1980s. He did Drive.
2006-02-24 03:26:53 UTC
Lock is still in Brisbane but not on air anywhere at this stage
2006-02-24 11:39:51 UTC
Hi Guy's Let me tell you that Richard Greville is alive and well, how I
know this is that he has just spent 9 days on holidays with him at
Minto , and did we get up to some carry on!! He now has a life like of
luxury. Richard still does voice overs for some radio stations and
narration for documentarys so if your lucky you may hear his voice from
time to time on radio or on TV. Love Fred..
Post by bloomoo
Whatever happend to Rod Lockington . He was one of the original on air crew
of 4MMM(FM104) and also did some time on 4BH I think not sure of that one
also did voiceovers for QTQ9. Would really be interested in what he is doing
now. Also still haven't heard anything of Richard Greville.
2014-04-11 14:10:28 UTC
Fred If you see Richard, Tell him Dazza saya Hi
Daryl Wilkinson
2021-04-20 02:08:04 UTC
Have caught up with Richard,, Great to see him,, he now lives near my area (only 2-3 hours away)
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